It is believed that many ailments can be treated and prevented with reflexology, a system where reflex points on the feet are correlated to vital organs in the body. The massage of these points will redirect the flow of energy to heal those parts of the body. The treatment also relieves tension and helps improve circulation.
Reflexology is particularly effective for those who have been recovering from surgery, suffering serious disease and may be too weak to take medication, or for those who are undergoing recovery from chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Completely non-invasive, it can help to lighten discomfort and strengthen the immune response.
It is believed that many ailments can be treated and prevented with reflexology, a system where reflex points on the feet are correlated to vital organs in the body. The massage of these points will redirect the flow of energy to heal those parts of the body. The treatment also relieves tension and helps improve circulation.
Reflexology is particularly effective for those who have been recovering from surgery, suffering serious disease and may be too weak to take medication, or for those who are undergoing recovery from chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Completely non-invasive, it can help to lighten discomfort and strengthen the immune response.